Tuesday, February 10, 2015

another new start

February 10.  I haven't posted since January 2.  Not a great start to my goal to journal more.

This winter has been weird in a lot of ways.  The weirdest thing has been the weather.  It's been way too warm.  Which means no snow.  Before Christmas we had a few storms that dropped a couple inches of snow that only lasted a day or two.  Christmas day we finally had a storm that dropped significant snow.  As in, we had to go out and shovel.  That snow lasted several days which was great for the Christmas spirit. :)  Then the weather warmed up again and all the snow melted.  We haven't had snow since.  We have had rain, which means snow in the mountains, so that's good.  We depend on winter precipitation for our summer water so the fact that there's still snow in the mountains is great.

The other weird thing about this winter has been my health.  For the last two weeks or so, I've had something or other.  I started with a head/chest cold.  I got over that and was fine for two days, then got another head cold that turned into a sinus infection.  I'm still having sinus trouble.  

I never got around to posting my January goals but I'm going to do that anyway because I want to do a progress report.  

        Establish Flylady routines.  Nope. 
        Make lunch for The Writer, CM and JJ every day. I did this a few times but not consistently.
        Make breakfast for family every day. Again, I did this a few times but not consistently.  

          Be at church at 10:45 for JJ to do his priesthood duties.   Well, we weren't there at 10:45 like I wanted, but we still were early enough for him to do what he needed to do.  Progress.
          Do visiting teaching.  Yep, visited all three sisters.  Really, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to do this every month.  I mean, it's one visit each for 3 sisters.  It's not a weekly thing.  DONE.
          Keep up with RS birthday visits. No.  

        Do gospel study daily (Book of Mormon, Sunday School lesson, RS lesson, etc.). I started out really strong with a 90 day Book of Mormon reading challenge that I'm doing with CM to help her with her Personal Progress.  Then I got behind.  But at least I did some.  
        Personal, meaningful prayer daily—remembering to pray for friends, family & ward members. Nope.  Really gotta do better on this one.

          Read one classic book of literature.  Well, I read, but it wasn't classical literature.  How should I count that?
          Write in blog minimum 3x/week. Obviously not.
        Restart exercise program.  Nope.  Partly due to illness.
        Bed at 10:30 p.m., wake at 6:30 a.m. Well, I sure was in bed by 10:30 p.m.  I usually woke up at 6:30, but went back to bed after CM and JJ were off to school.
          Date with The Writer.  Yes!  Went out to dinner with The Writer then to a basketball game.
          GNO with L&J.  I tried!  We couldn't work out a schedule.
          Invite family over for dinner. Nope.

        Keep driveway and walks clear of snow. What do you call it when you don't accomplish a goal because there was no need to?

        Figure out credit card repayment schedule.  Yep.  Now the challenge is to actually follow it.
          Get savings accounts for each child/deposit money.  Nope.

        Finish Georgia book.  No to both of these.  HOWEVER, I did order some scrap supplies so that I could get to work on scrapbook projects.  And I got my work area cleaned up and organized so that I actually have space to work.
        Finish San Diego book


          Finish two sewing projects. No.

Now, on to February!  Yes, I know the month is practically half over already but I'm going to make the last two weeks count!

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