Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gratitude Day 20: Clothes

I spent quite a bit of time today working on the clothes in my ironing basket.  The Writer has a lot of button down shirts for work that need to be ironed.  I don't like to iron so put it off as long as I can (even though my weekly schedule says "Ironing" on Tuesdays).

I am grateful to have clothing to wear.  It's not as cold as it was recently but it's still chilly enough that I am grateful for jeans and long sleeve shirts and jackets.

When it's hot outside, I am grateful for capris and shorts and short sleeve shirts.  And I'm grateful for swim suits.

I'm grateful for nice Sunday clothes to wear to church.

And I'm grateful for snow gear!  It came in handy when we went to the BYU/Idaho game on Nov. 10.  The bleachers were snow covered and that night was *so cold*!  Boots, snow pants and winter coats helped keep us more comfortable (though we were still a bit cold). 

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