Sunday, March 1, 2015

February review

Is it March 1st already?  I know February is a short month but it seems like it just started!

I didn't do much in the way of getting projects done/goals accomplished so I'm just going to keep the same list for March, with a few changes to the Outdoors goals.

Two things I did do:  I had a GNO with my best friend!  It was the very last day of the month but it was the week that worked out for us so we did it.  We even made and FINISHED a craft project!  We had a great time and I am excited to keep up our monthly get togethers.

Also, I have been trying out a new idea to help me with my breadmaking.  I bought some containers big enough to hold the dry ingredients for my two favorite bread recipes.  I made two dry ingredient batches of each, giving me 4 altogether and stored them in my pantry.  So all I had to do when I needed to make bread was put in the liquid ingredients and then dump in the dry.  It worked really well and I haven't had to buy bread for 2 weeks.  So I will keep that up!

Goals for March:

Homemaking: 1.  Establish Flylady routines.  2.  Make daily lunches.  3.  Make daily breakfasts.

Church:  1.  Be at church at 10:45 am.  (I've done well so it'll be a continuing goal all year). 2.  Go the extra mile in visiting teaching (My companion didn't schedule appointments for some reason so that didn't get done. I'll have to make early appointments in March and do something extra). 3.  Keep up with RS birthday visits.  4.  Do at least 1/4 of my emergency list.

Spiritual: 1.  Do gospel study daily. 2.  Personal, meaningful daily prayer.

Mental:  1.  Read one classical book of literature (I'm almost done reading The Secret Garden).  2.  Write in blog minimum 3x/week.

Physical: 1.  Exercise daily!  2.  Limit sugar to weekends.  (I need to make a sign or something to remind me--I'm realizing that part of why some of my goals aren't getting accomplished is because I'm trying to change a habit--and I forget!)

Social: 1.  Date with Steven.  2.  GNO with best friend (March--it will be March 28th for the LDS General Women's Session).  3.  Invite family over for dinner

Outdoors:  1.  Clean up garage.  2.  Organize shed.  3.  Rake leaves from yard.  4.  Screw in north fence boards.  5.  Clean out dryer vent cage.  6.  Put lock on electrical panel.  7.  Label electrical panel lock key and put in safe place.  8.  Clear out front flower bed and plant flowers.  9.  Prepare garden boxes with compost.  10.  Plant early season crops.  (I know this is a lot but several are simply things that need to be done that will take 5 minutes each.  I just don't want to forget!)

Financial: 1.  Figure out card repayment schedule and WRITE IT DOWN.  2.  Get savings accounts for each child and deposit money. 3.  Get a savings account set up for vacation

Scrapbooking:  1.  Get almost-finished pages done and in albums.  This will probably be an ongoing project since there's quite a few layouts.  2.  Get funeral album done, printed, assembled and delivered.  3.  Get Georgia trip journaled.

Hope this month goes better.  I need to figure out a way to keep my goals in front of my eyes without advertising to the world some private stuff.

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